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Hello, Beautiful Heart! 


 My spiritual journey…


…started around the age of nine when I began experiencing sensations, colours and imagery around me and in the palms of my hands. I had many intuitive visions and angelic encounters, and I also became very sensitive to certain people and places in my environment.  At that time, I had no idea what was happening to me, so I kept everything hidden. It wasn’t until years later that I met a woman I affectionately refer to as Mama Brenda.  She was the answer to my prayers.  She was guided into my life and began explaining what was happening. 


I mentored with her for many years and she helped answer so many of the questions for which I was searching for answers. She was an exceptional teacher and a nurturing, loving presence in my life.  

I  was devastated by her sudden passing since I felt she was the only one that truly understood me. 


But as we all know, life goes on, and I began to search for other teachers and mentors.  During that time, I still kept all of my intuitive abilities hidden since I lived in a very small town, and I was fearful that people would not understand or accept me because of my abilities.


So I continued to study, travel and practice yoga, connecting deeper into my lineage and reconnecting with like-minded, heart-centred souls from around the globe. 


In 2007, I opened one of the first yoga and wellness centres in my city. 

I poured my heart and soul into the business, offering yoga and self-development practices, as well as other healing modalities such as Reiki, aroma touch therapy, colour therapy, massage, chiropractic, naturopathic medicine, expressive dance and others. 


Everything seemed to be moving along successfully until one day, the universe had another plan for me.  I suddenly realized that I was giving my energy to everything and everyone and not taking time for myself, and now I was being redirected to take care of myself. 

After surviving two long-term abusive relationships, a mini-stroke and a cancer diagnosis, I awakened to an inner peace that would forever change my life.  

Despite abusive relationships, having to ‘hide’ my true self, learning to walk, talk and write again and having a doctor deliver a cancer diagnosis, I never looked at  saw myself as a victim.  I knew it was an opportunity for me to grow and evolve into the woman that I am today.  And to be honest with you, I wouldn’t change one thing, for I am the woman that I am today because of my transformational journey.  Through it all, I never gave up.  If anything, it opened my heart to a deeper trust, encouraging me to take more risks and it showed me a different perspective on life.


I remember when I first started my spiritual journey and how confused and uncertain I had felt.  This is why I created self-development programs, workshops, trainings and inspiring resources to help guide you and your loved ones to a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life on this planet.


You don’t have to walk this journey alone.

Much LOVE, Jenn 





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